Murdoc — a ruby documenter

Murdoc is a doccu-style annotated documentation generator.


Sometimes it makes sense to create a guide, a story told by code and comments side by side. Murdoc generates a pretty html for such a story.


Demo at GH.pages.

See also:




Public domain, see UNLICENSE file.

See also

Murdoc is yet another Doccu-like documentation generator. Murdoc reads ruby source files and produces annotated html documentation.

See also: Docco, Rocco

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module Murdoc

AnnotatedFile is a struct we pass into our templates

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AnnotatedFile =, :metadata, :source, :source_type, :paragraphs, :formatted_paragraphs)

Murdoc.annotate arguments are gathered from CLI utility

highlight regulates syntax highlighting and do_not_count_comment_lines flag toggles counting comment lines towards line numbering in the output.

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def self.annotate(filename, highlight = true, do_not_count_comment_lines = false) filename = File.expand_path(filename) annotator = Annotator.from_file(filename, nil, do_not_count_comment_lines), annotator.metadata, annotator.source, annotator.source_type, annotator.paragraphs, {|p|, highlight) }) end

Generate a single file story

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def self.generate_from_file(input, output, options = {}) options = default_options.merge(options) annotator = Annotator.from_file(input, nil), "w+") do |f| annotated_file = annotate(input, options[:highlight], options[:do_not_count_comment_lines]) f.puts[:template]).render(:annotated_file => annotated_file, :stylesheet =>[:stylesheet])) end end

… or use multiple files

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def self.generate_from_multiple_files(input_files, output, options = {}) options = default_options_for_multiple_files.merge(options) annotated_files = {|fn| annotate(fn, options[:highlight], options[:do_not_count_comment_lines]) }, "w+") do |f| f.puts[:template]).render(:annotated_files => annotated_files, :stylesheet =>[:stylesheet])) end end

Rest is self-explanatory

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def self.default_options @options ||= { template: "#{markup_dir}/template.haml", stylesheet: "#{markup_dir}/stylesheet.css", highlight: true } end def self.default_options_for_multiple_files @options ||= { template: "#{markup_dir}/template_multifile.haml", stylesheet: "#{markup_dir}/stylesheet.css", highlight: true } end def self.markup_dir File.expand_path("../..", __FILE__)+ "/markup" end end require "murdoc/annotator" require "murdoc/scanner" require "murdoc/paragraph" require "murdoc/formatted_paragraph" require "murdoc/renderer" require "murdoc/languages/base" require "murdoc/languages/html" require "murdoc/languages/coffeescript" require "murdoc/languages/javascript" require "murdoc/languages/ruby" require "murdoc/languages/markdown"